Cactus Parodia mix

Native to the high regions of South America, Parodia is a is genus consisting of about 50 species ranging from small, ball cacti to tall, narrow varieties reaching heights of about 1 m. All are deeply ribbed and spiny, with single flowers at or near the crown. Some species produce offsets at the base.
The Parodia cactus is ball-shaped with pronounced ridges. The ridges feature spines that begin white, then turn yellow or brown as the plant matures. The Parodia grows in a clustering pattern, reaching a width of 30 cm. This fast-growing cactus gains approximately 10 cm of height per year. The cup-shaped blooms may be yellow, pink, orange, or red in color and appear in spring and summer on the upper part of mature plants.
Parodia is suitable for growing outdoors where winter temperatures never drop below 10 C. In cool climates, the smaller Parodia ball cactus, also known as silver ball or snowball, makes a great indoor plant. Parodia varieties prefer desert-like conditions for optimal growth and health. Average household temperatures of around 21 to 23.8 C are acceptable but the cactus is not frost tolerant. The soil should be kept slightly moist, but cactus plants, either indoors or outdoors, should never sit in soggy soil.

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